Please note that there can only be 1 h1 tag on the page – it needs to be what the page is about for Google. eg. the H1 tag on Whistler is Whistler. The h1 text below is being shown at 50px so that it fits on this page.
I can easily teach how to change colours of text but these are the current defaults I have set.
H1 Tag: Nixie One | Transform none | 100px
H2 Tag: Lato | weight 300 | Transform none | 24px
H3 Tag: Lato | Transform Uppercase | 30px
H4 Tag: Lato | weight 300 | Transform none | 24px
H5 Tag: League Script | Transform none | 40px
H6 Tag: Nixie One | Transform lowercase | 40px
Regular Text: Lato | weight 300 | Transform none | 16px